Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I Grew Garlic - An original 6x6 still life oil painting by George De Chiara

I Grew Garlic
6x6 inches
Oil on canvas panel
George De Chiara

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A few years ago my wife and I decided to try our hand at growing garlic. Since most of our garden sits idle over the winter it seemed like the perfect thing to try. If you've never grow garlic, it's really pretty easy and there are an impressive number of varieties to try. In the fall, plant the cloves and water daily till they sprout. If you've ever left your garlic out too long in the kitchen, you already know what this looks like. Anyway, once winter sets in there's really nothing left to do with them until spring when you resume watering and fertilizing. We usually pick a few of our plants towards the end of spring or the beginning of summer to see how they are doing. Then we either pull them all or give them some more time. Usually we can pull up the whole bed just in time to plant tomatoes or some other summer crop. Then we get to enjoy a rich variety of garlic all year-long. One other great benefits is without fail harvesting the garlic crop gets us excited to start the summer growing season. 

 This painting was one of the last bulbs of garlic I picked this year. After picking it I nailed it to our fence and brought out my painting supplies to paint this picture. Then...well, I sort of forgot about it. I packed up everything in my old studio to get ready to move it into the new studio and there the painting sat packed away waiting for the new studio be ready. Finally the new studio space is ready and I was unpacking when I rediscovered it. Just in time too, since we are already making plans for our next crop!

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