Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Day At El Tesoro - An Original 6x8 Plein Air Landscape Oil Painting by George De Chiara

A Day At El Tesoro
6x8 inches
Oil on Canvas Panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 A few weeks ago, I went to Camp El Tesoro to paint with some friends for the day. We had a wonderful time painting along the river and enjoying the mild spring weather. The water is crystal clear at this spot in the river and I was able to watch the fish swimming as I painted. Most of the rocks that make up the falls seem to be sand stone or lime stone, which reflect some really amazing colors in the river. I had a great time trying to capture them. 

This is the first of two paintings I did this day. You can see the other painting here.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"Heavy Cloud Cover" - An original 6x8 inch landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Heavy Cloud Cover
6x8 inches
Oil on canvas panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 I really enjoy painting sunsets from life. They are a challenge since sunsets visibly change quickly. In fact, it's been said that they change to the eye every 16 seconds! Try this next time you watch the sunset: Look away from it every minute, wait 30 seconds and then look at it again. It's amazing how much it changes. Now image trying to paint it. Every time I looked up from my canvas, the area I was painting looked different. When I painted this, my wife and children came with me to play in the nearby park as I painted. While I was waiting for the sun to start to set, I commented to my wife that painting sunsets is a bit like waiting to run a race. I wait around until it's time to get going and then paint as fast as I can to keep up with the changing conditions.

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

"From Here To There" - An original 8x10 inch oil landscape painting by George De Chiara

From Here To There
8x10 inches
Oil on Canvas Panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 If you've ever been to Rose Garden in the Fort Worth Botanical Garden, you may have noticed the rather large grassy area that runs along the edge of the roses. That's what I've painted here. I originally set out to paint some of the roses, and, after several failed attempts at capturing some of the blooms on my canvas, I looked up and noticed this view. I was immediately drawn to the pattern of light and dark presented in front of me and quickly set up a fresh canvas and started painting. The way the sun moves across this area the shadows change quickly, so I had to paint them in fast. Once I had the pattern of light and dark established, I was able to slow down a little and finish the painting. 

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

"El Tesoro Falls" - An original 8x6 inch landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

El Tesoro Falls
8x6 inches
Oil on canvas panel
George De Chiara

Available though The Dutch Art Gallery. (214-348-7350)

This area is quickly becoming one of my favorite places to paint. Camp El Tesoro is a wonderful kid's camp that's kind enough to let us in occasionally to paint. The camp has a great river running though it that is complete with waterfall, which is what this painting depicts. The water is very clear; in fact, not only could we see the many fish in the river, we could actually see the whiskers on the catfish as they swam around. After last year's drought it was very encouraging to see so much life in the river. There had to be easily 100 fish swimming around the 40-50 foot stretch we explored looking for places to paint the falls from. Of course, we where also warned that they spotted two copperheads and a rattler in the last few days along the river and that we should "keep an eye out".  Ha! I kept them both out, just in case.

To see more of my work visit my website -

Monday, May 7, 2012

"Wine Cups and Indian Blankets" - An original 8x6 inch landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Wine Cups and Indian Blankets
8x6 inches
Oil on canvas panel
George De Chiara

Available though The Dutch Art Gallery. (214-348-7350)

 We've been very lucky this year to have such wonderful wildflower blooms. First, we had bluebonnets as far as the eye could see and now indian blankets are popping up everywhere. It seems like there are thousands of them this year along with a great mix of wine cups, indian paintbrushes, and a whole bunch more whose names I still need to learn. I find it almost impossible to drive anywhere right now because every few feet I want to stop and paint the flowers while they are here. When I see them I know I need to act on it quickly before they are gone. For example, this painting was intended to be bluebonnets. I had found a very nice patch of them in Arlington's Interlochen area by Rush Creek, but didn't have time to paint them then. I went back a few days later and most of the bluebonnets had gone to seed already. Luckily, they where being replaced by these indian blankets and wine cups. I'm not sure what the little red flowers are in the foreground. This was the first time I've seen them. If you know what they are, please let me know. Thanks:)
To see more of my work visit my website-

Friday, May 4, 2012

Running Strong - An original 6x8 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Running Strong
6x8 inches
Oil on canvas panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

Have I mentioned that this is one of my favorite subjects to paint? I never seem to tire of painting rivers and running water. This little river is in Arlington's Interlochen area. There's a sidewalk that crosses the river just upstream from this spot that causes the water to build up and run faster as it passes through the small pipes running under it. When the water gets through the pipes, it goes over a rock washboard, causing this scene to unfold. I painted this early in the morning when the rocks where still a little wet and colorful. Once the sun heated up towards the end of my painting time, it dried out the rocks and completely changed the colors in them. I had to really be on my toes to not continually change my painting as this was happening. 

This is my first auction on Daily Paint Works. For those of you not familiar with Daily Paint Works (DPW), it's a website dedicated to just art sales and auctions. I'm excited to try this site because of this reason. I'll be listing a few more paintings with them over the next week so be sure to check back often for updates.
To see more of my work visit my website-

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Incoming Storm - An original landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Incoming Storm
6x8 inches
Oil on Canvas Panel
George De Chiara

This was painted during the Outdoor Painters Society paint out in Ennis (TX). Due to some other commitments, I was only able to go the paint out on one day. It just happen to be the one day that we had storms. Being ever the optimist, we headed out for the hour drive in cloudy weather thinking that the storm would blow out soon. Well, we got there and found a place to paint, but the clouds were still around. With nothing left to do, I set up my easel and hoped for the best. About 10 minutes after I started painting, the rain started coming down. I put up my umbrella and continued to paint, still thinking it was only matter of time before the storm blew out. After about 90 minutes of painting under the protection of my umbrella, the rain finally stopped. Well...I thought it stopped. About 30 minutes later another storm came in with lots of thunder and lighting. While I don't mind painting in the rain, as soon as I see lighting it's time to pack it up and that's just what we did. As quickly as I could I broke down my easel and packed up my gear. We got everything in the car just as the heavy rain started to come down. Of course as soon as we made the hour drive back home, the sun came out! That's just part of the adventure with painting outdoors.
To see more of my work visit my website-