Wednesday, February 27, 2013

West Falls - An Original 8x10 Lanscape Oil Painting by George De Chiara

West Falls © 
8x10 inches  Oil
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 One of my favorite subjects to paint is water, particularly white water rapids and falls. It's something I find myself returning to time and again. The thing is, it's hard to find white water rivers in North Texas. I'm constantly on the search when I'm out and about. Making mental notes of places to explore in more depth and still, the list of places to try is very, very small. Luckily a little over a year ago, I discovered one of the best kept secrets in the DFW area... Read more on my blog here.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I Know Kung Fu - An Original 8x8 Rooster Oil Painting by George De Chiara

I Know Kung Fu ©
8x8 inches  Oil
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

My wife's grandparents have a small chicken coop with maybe 20 chickens and this one lone rooster. They had a few other roosters at one time, but that's a story for another day. Every time we visit, I make it a point to bring my camera along in the hopes of getting a few good images to paint from. This has proved to be more challenging than I thought since for one thing...Read more on my blog here.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Walk In The Woods - An Original 10x8 Plein Air Landscape Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Walk In The Woods © 
10x8 inches Oil
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

Yesterday we were treated to a wonderful spring day with sunny clear skies and temps in the low 70's. What more could you ask for in February? With both our kids looking for some playtime and myself looking to get out and paint, a trip to the River Legacy Park was in order. This park boasts a not only a wonderful new play area for the little ones, but hundreds of acres of forest, rivers and both paved and unpaved paths to explore. My oldest daughter (3 years old) packed a picnic for us to enjoy. After finishing...Read more on my blog here.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fresh Rain Water - An Original 8x10 Plein Air Landscape Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Fresh Rain Water ©
8x10 inches  Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 We've been fortunate enough to have rain storms for the last day and a half here in North Texas. Since it always seems like we are either in a drought or on the verge of one, the rain is a welcome sight. Amazingly, after raining all morning, the sun came out around noon and the weather warmed up to a wonderful 68 degrees. Perfect weather to go out and paint! I met up with a friend of mine who took me to this amazing little park about 5 minutes from his home. The creek was high with all the recent rain water and I just couldn't resist painting it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Early Risers - An Original 8x10 Plein Air Floral Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Early Risers ©
8x10 inches  Oil
George De Chiara

Click here to bid

 On a whim today, I went over to the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens to see if anything was blooming yet. It's early, but I heard that the Dallas Gardens are just about ready to come alive, so I thought Fort Worth can't be that far behind. There isn't a lot blossoming just yet, but I did find this little patch of very early daffodils and thought they were perfect for this late winter's day. I had to pick and choose which one's I wanted to include, which is always a fun exercise. In another week or two, there should be all kinds of things to paint. I can't wait!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Tres Amigos - An Original 8x10 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Tres Amigos © 
8x10 inches  Oil on Panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 For the last several weeks, while taking my daughters to the park to play, I've noticed this group of trees on the edge of  a nature area that we pass by. I'm always on the lookout for things that I might like to paint, so I put this location on my mental list of places to revisit. I usually like to have several spots to choose from when I go out painting, depending on my mood and today it was trees. Read more on my blog here.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hearts and Heads - An Original 12x16 Still Life Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Hearts and Heads © 
12x16 inches  Oil on panel $385
George De Chiara

 When I started to set up this still life, I told myself that I wasn't going to use any fruit or flowers in the arrangement. I feel sometimes I rely on them too much and wanted the challenge of setting up something that could sit for days in the studio without needing water. By doing this, it really forced me to take my time with setting up all the objects in the still life. In places I would have... Read more and see step-by-step progress pictures on my blog here.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dutch Morning - An Original 11x14 Landscape Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Dutch Morning ©
11x14 inches  Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 A few months ago, I did a smaller painting similar to this one. I did the smaller one first for a couple of reasons. First, it's easier to work out the general color and composition on the smaller piece since I can make large changes with just a few brush strokes. I was also... Read more on my blog here.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

For The Birds - An Original 12x16 Still Life Oil Painting by George De Chiara

For The Birds ©
12x16   Oil   $385
George De Chiara

 Lately I've been in the mood to try some larger still life paintings. While doing the smaller ones are a lot of fun and a great exercise, sometimes it's nice to stretch a little and do something a bit more involved. And that's exactly what I did. After returning home from doing a small plein air piece in the morning, I spent the rest of the afternoon gathering and arranging this still life. Like many of my still life paintings, the arrangement went through many changes, thoughts and ideas before coming together into something I wanted to paint.

To read more about this painting with step-by-step progress images please visit my blog here.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Pink Beauty - An Original 6x6 Floral Still Life Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Pink Beauty © 
6x6 inches  Oil
George De Chiara

 I was just about ready to send my store-bought roses into the compost pile when I noticed that one of them still had a bit of life and color to it. It was starting to droop over a bit and I had to prop it up to get the angle I wanted for this painting, but other than that it seemed to be full of life. I really wanted to try a painting where I could concentrate of the shape of the flower and petals and this seemed like the perfect chance. Good thing I didn't wait any longer because by the next day, even this one had given up all signs of life and was starting to lose petals and wilt. I'm glad it had enough strength to stick around long enough to get this painting done! This painting is available though The Dutch Art Gallery in Dallas. Contact Pam at (214) 348-7350 for further information or to purchase it.

Friday, February 8, 2013

ACEO Valentine Themed Oil Paintings by George De Chiara

It's time for Valentine's Day again! I actually find myself oddly excited to paint conversation hearts and chocolate candies and to surround my studio in flowers. Painting for Valentine's seems to be a new tradition that I have developed over the last few years. People always seem to like them, and I really enjoy painting these sweet little works. I recently dropped off six Valentine themed paintings to the Dutch Gallery in Dallas. They are all available now for that special one-of-a-kind gift for your loved one. Each one is beautifully framed from the gallery. Make this a Valentine's she'll never forget by giving a gift that will last a life time. For more information or to purchase any of these please contact Pam at the Dutch Gallery. You can call her at (214) 348-7350 or if you're in Dallas stop on by. Their address is 10233 E Northwest Hwy, Dallas, TX 75238.

Light Pink Rose
2.5x3.5 inches   Oil
George De Chiara

Chocolate Heart
2.5x3.5 inches Oil
George De Chiara

Yellow Rose
2.5x3.5 inches  Oil
George De Chiara

I Heart You
2.5x3.5 inches  Oil
George De Chiara

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tall Grass - A New Original 8x6 Plein Air Landscape Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Tall Grass ©
8x6 inches Oil
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 We're being treated to an early spring here in Texas this year. So far this week, we've had mostly sunny days with temps getting into the 70s all week. That is perfect weather to get out and paint in and today was no exception. While I packed up my gear to head out, I ran through a possible list of locations in my head. One of them included a little lake with a feeder creek running into it not too far from our house. I've gone to this location several times to paint the tall grasses...Read more on my blog here.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

E Pluribus Unum - A New Original 8x6 Plein Air Landscape Oil Painting by George De Chiara

E Pluribus Unum ©
8x6 inches   Oil
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

For the last two mornings, we've woken up to fog. As an avid outdoor painter, this is one of the two best things I can wake up to. The other is snow, which is about as rare as a 3 legged frog here in Texas, so when I see fog I get excited to go out and paint. Why? Because the fog offers a new way of seeing the landscape around us and it offers wonderful new challenges in mixing subtle colors and working with (usually) soft edges, which is all very different from the...Read more in my blog here.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

You Crack Me Up - A New Original 6x6 Still Life Oil Painting by George De Chiara

You Crack Me Up © 
6x6 inches   Oil on Panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

I'm reminded of something Richard Schmid either said or that I read in his book about setting up a still life. His advice was to take as long as needed to get it just right, even if that meant waiting weeks to find just the right combination of objects and their arrangement. Schmid echoed in my head because earlier today, I set out to set up a still life to paint and two and half hours later and only after...Read more on my blog here.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Cow Buffet - A New Original 5x7 Landscape Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Cow Buffet ©
5x7 inches   Oil
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

At the end of fall, I was out painting for the day when I ran across this hayfield. Actually, I believe the hay was grown elsewhere and brought in for the cows that would occasionally wander past. Either way, I loved the way it looked and wanted to paint it. The problem was the only place I could find to paint it from was along the side of a very busy two lane road... Read more on my blog here.