Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bamboo with Vase - Original Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Bamboo with Vase
7x5 inches
Oil on Canvas Panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

Shortly after my wife and I bought our house, we decided to put in a garden.  The previous owners had been growing low maintenance, but invasive bamboo, so we painstakingly dug it out and built raised beds over that area. We figured this would be a win- win for us since the raised vegetable garden would wipe out the bamboo, which has jumped it's edging and started to take over a large portion of the yard. For the last three or four years, our plan worked perfectly. This year, however, I've noticed a zombie bamboo shoot springing up just past where the garden is. Hmm... what to do? I like the look of the leaves and I think they would work well in my still life paintings, but I know if I let the plant go it will take over a large portion of the yard before I know it. For now and over Marcie's objections, I'm letting the plant grow minus the branches I chopped off for this painting. I actually had to cut the plant twice today for the leaves since this painting took three tries to get something I was happy with. With all that time spent painting the leaves eventually wilted to the point where they where un-paintable. So I guess if I keep painting them at this rate, I won't have to worry about the plant spreading across the yard.

Visit my web site and blog to see more of my work.

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