Friday, December 14, 2012

Steam Power- A New Original 6x6 Still Life Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Steam Power ©
5x7 inches  Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 Hmm...well, I'm not sure how I did this, but I actually posted this painting a few days ago and just forgot to post about it in my blog. In fact, the auction for this one is just about over. There's only 2 days left to get your bids in if your interested in this painting.

 I've had this locomotive just about my whole life. It came with my train set that's been handed down through my siblings till it got to me. I'm the youngest of five so you can image that by time it got to me...Read more on my blog here.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Spring's Encore - A New Original 6x6 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Spring's Encore ©
6x6 inches  *  Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 It may seem a little odd to have a spring painting this close to winter, but the truth is that's when I started this one, right before the summer heat took over. In fact, I went back to this field a couple of weeks later, all that remained was the tall summer grass, and a lot of dried up flower petals and seed pods. My painting, on the other hand, was placed in my drying rack with the intention to make a few tweaks before sending it out into the world. Read more here on my blog.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Cheer - A New Original 5x7 Still Life Oil Painting and a Painting Demo by George De Chiara

Christmas Cheer ©
5x7 inches   *   Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

Ah yes, it's that time of the year again. Time to deck the halls and be jolly! It seems like every year we deck the halls a little more and add another set or two of lights to the outside of the house and put another ornament on tree.  These little ornaments are some of the first ones we bought together.  At that time, we had a little 4 foot tree and a box of decorations for it. Now on our big tree they would get lost. I'm just guessing, but it might be the sixteen boxes of Christmas that we have collected over the years. Still, these little shiny balls still haven't lost their luster, and reliably put me in the spirit of the season every time I bring them out of storage. 

 If you're in the DFW area on Saturday December 8th, be sure to stop by the Dutch Art Gallery and watch my free painting demo. I'll be there from 10 - 2 PM painting. I'd love to see you there! The Dutch Art Gallery is located at 10233 E NW Hwy in Dallas.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hazy Morning - A New Original 6x8 Plein Air Oil Painting and a Painting Demo by George De Chiara

Hazy Morning © 
6x8 inches  *   Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

If you're in the DFW area on Saturday December 8th, be sure to stop by the Dutch Art Gallery and watch my free painting demo. I'll be there from 10 - 2 PM painting. I'd love to see you there! The Dutch Art Gallery is located at 10233 E NW Hwy in Dallas.

We recently went to visit my in-laws down in south Texas for a few days. On the first morning we were there, I work up to find a foggy morning had fallen upon us. I love to try to capture this effect when I get the chance, so I sprang out of bed, grabbed my painting gear and headed out the door as quickly as I could. I think I might have been the first one up that morning. That never happens in a house with my father-in-law in it! As I loaded all of my gear into the car...Read more on my blog here.

Monday, December 3, 2012

In The Brush - A New Original 6x6 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

In The Brush © 
6x6 inches   *   Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 While visiting my in-laws recently, I kept noticing this scene at the end of the dirt road that leads to their driveway. I must have driven by this site a dozen times during our stay, each time thinking to myself that I really need to paint this before we go. Each morning I woke up, got me painting gear together and headed out to paint before the day really got going with our visit and each day I drove past this scene in search for something else to paint. Now for the life of me...Read more on my blog here.