Friday, December 14, 2012

Steam Power- A New Original 6x6 Still Life Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Steam Power ©
5x7 inches  Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 Hmm...well, I'm not sure how I did this, but I actually posted this painting a few days ago and just forgot to post about it in my blog. In fact, the auction for this one is just about over. There's only 2 days left to get your bids in if your interested in this painting.

 I've had this locomotive just about my whole life. It came with my train set that's been handed down through my siblings till it got to me. I'm the youngest of five so you can image that by time it got to me...Read more on my blog here.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Spring's Encore - A New Original 6x6 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Spring's Encore ©
6x6 inches  *  Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 It may seem a little odd to have a spring painting this close to winter, but the truth is that's when I started this one, right before the summer heat took over. In fact, I went back to this field a couple of weeks later, all that remained was the tall summer grass, and a lot of dried up flower petals and seed pods. My painting, on the other hand, was placed in my drying rack with the intention to make a few tweaks before sending it out into the world. Read more here on my blog.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Cheer - A New Original 5x7 Still Life Oil Painting and a Painting Demo by George De Chiara

Christmas Cheer ©
5x7 inches   *   Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

Ah yes, it's that time of the year again. Time to deck the halls and be jolly! It seems like every year we deck the halls a little more and add another set or two of lights to the outside of the house and put another ornament on tree.  These little ornaments are some of the first ones we bought together.  At that time, we had a little 4 foot tree and a box of decorations for it. Now on our big tree they would get lost. I'm just guessing, but it might be the sixteen boxes of Christmas that we have collected over the years. Still, these little shiny balls still haven't lost their luster, and reliably put me in the spirit of the season every time I bring them out of storage. 

 If you're in the DFW area on Saturday December 8th, be sure to stop by the Dutch Art Gallery and watch my free painting demo. I'll be there from 10 - 2 PM painting. I'd love to see you there! The Dutch Art Gallery is located at 10233 E NW Hwy in Dallas.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hazy Morning - A New Original 6x8 Plein Air Oil Painting and a Painting Demo by George De Chiara

Hazy Morning © 
6x8 inches  *   Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

If you're in the DFW area on Saturday December 8th, be sure to stop by the Dutch Art Gallery and watch my free painting demo. I'll be there from 10 - 2 PM painting. I'd love to see you there! The Dutch Art Gallery is located at 10233 E NW Hwy in Dallas.

We recently went to visit my in-laws down in south Texas for a few days. On the first morning we were there, I work up to find a foggy morning had fallen upon us. I love to try to capture this effect when I get the chance, so I sprang out of bed, grabbed my painting gear and headed out the door as quickly as I could. I think I might have been the first one up that morning. That never happens in a house with my father-in-law in it! As I loaded all of my gear into the car...Read more on my blog here.

Monday, December 3, 2012

In The Brush - A New Original 6x6 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

In The Brush © 
6x6 inches   *   Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 While visiting my in-laws recently, I kept noticing this scene at the end of the dirt road that leads to their driveway. I must have driven by this site a dozen times during our stay, each time thinking to myself that I really need to paint this before we go. Each morning I woke up, got me painting gear together and headed out to paint before the day really got going with our visit and each day I drove past this scene in search for something else to paint. Now for the life of me...Read more on my blog here.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gold In Them There Hills - A New Original 11x14 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Gold In Them There Hills © 
8x6 inches  * Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 When I made plans to go painting with a few friends at Tandy Hills, I assumed we'd have a beautiful sunny day since that's what we've had for the most part every day this fall. Somehow, it seems like the weather knows it's time for me to paint because that rascally sun stayed mostly hidden behind the clouds most of the morning. It wasn't until..Read more on my blog here.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Rolled Gold - A New Original 11x14 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Rolled Gold © 
11x14 inches   *   Oil on panel
George De Chiara

If this scene looks familiar, it's because I painted a smaller version of this same spot a few weeks ago. You can see the results of that painting trip here. I went back because I really wanted to do a larger version of this field of hay bales. Luckily, they were still there. Fall has definitely hit this place since the last time I set up my easel. Read more on my blog here.

Monday, November 26, 2012

White Rose - A New Original 6x6 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

White Rose ©
6x6 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

Imagine my surprise to find most these lovely white roses still going strong this late into the fall. I'm not sure why I'm so surprised, since we've had a wonderful fall so far filled with warm days and cool nights (that's Texas warm and cool which means it's been between 50 and 80 most of the time). We haven't had much rain... Read more on my blog here.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Pumpkin Coffee - A New Original 6x8 Still Life Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Pumpkin Coffee
6x8 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

I've been do so much plein air painting lately that I almost forgot how much fun a still life is to paint. I was in the mood to do something that represented fall to me. After trying out a few different items with my miniature pumpkin, this one turned out to be the most satisfying. With the addition of a few autumn leaves...Read more and see complete step-by-step images on my blog here.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Almost Done - A New Original 5x7 Oil Painting Demonstration by George De Chiara

Almost Done
5x7 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 On December 8th, I'll be doing a free painting demonstration at The Dutch Art Gallery in Dallas. I've been thinking about what I'm going to paint for this and I've considered something like today's painting. I figured trying it out in the studio first might not be a bad idea. This way it gives me a chance to...Read more of this post and see step-by-step pictures on my blog here.

Monday, November 19, 2012

River Bank - A New Original 6x8 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

River Bank
6x8 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 This little stream isn't very far from our home. I've painted this area a few times this year alone, and this is the lowest I've seen the water running through here. In fact, those rocks in the foreground are normally well under the normally rushing water, which now down to just a small trickle. While this offers new views of a familiar scene...Read more on my blog here.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Turtle Pond - A New Original 8x10 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Turtle Pond
8x10 inches
Oil on Panel
George De Chiara

Available for purchase ($175)

When I first noticed this scene at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens, I was initially drawn to the reflections in the water. I loved the way the ripples in the pond all seemed to be running in little half circles with just a few fall leaves floating along on them. For this reason, I set the rocks and trees very high on the canvas in order to give myself enough room to explore the colors and... Read more on my blog here.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Trinity Hills Color - A New Original 8x6 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Trinity Hills Color
8x6 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

This is a wonderful little park / nature area just outside of Fort Worth. In fact, if you're looking west you can get a nice view of the city's skyline set against the hills and tress of Trinity Hills. I like this spot and go there a few times a year. In the spring, the area explodes with wildflowers and all their glorious colors. In the fall...Read more on my blog here.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Koi - A New Original 6x6 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

6 x 6 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

I learned a lot about Koi fish during this painting. For example, I learned that it's very difficult to convince them to stay still long enough to paint them. I also learned that they tend to swim in similar enough patterns that it's possible to watch them enough to paint them from life. Finally, I learned that... Read more on my blog here. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hint of Fall - A New Original 8x6 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Hint of Fall 
8 x 6 inches
Oil on Panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 When I went out to paint the other day, I didn't really have anything in particular in mind. I figured I'd just look around until something struck my fancy. So off I went from site to site checking out different possibilities for a painting. Now, I'll be the first to admit that this technique can result in a lot of driving and hiking with the chance of coming up empty at the end of the day. Read more on my blog here.

To see more of my paintings check out my web site:

Friday, November 9, 2012

White Rock Lake Boat Houses - A New Original 9x12 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

White Rock Lake Boat Houses
9 x 12 inches
Oil on Panel
George De Chiara

Available here

A few weeks ago, I was in Dallas dropping off my paintings for the Artist of Texas show at the Dutch Gallery. Since the gallery isn't very far from White Rock Lake, I brought along my painting gear with the hopes of getting in some painting. As luck would have it, we had  a beautiful sunny day with a nice breeze. After I dropped off my paintings, I scouted out a few different locations around the lake...Read more on my blog here.

To see more of my work check out my web page:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

White House- A New Original 6x8 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

White House
6 x 8 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

First off, let me clarify something. There isn't any hidden meaning in the title of this painting. Current election results aside, I just happened to go out and paint a house that was white. When it came time to give the painting a title, White House stuck in my mind because...well... it's a white house. Actually, this house is used by...Read more here on my blog.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Weeping Willow - A New Original 8x6 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Weeping Willow
8 x 6 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 When I noticed this weeping willow at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens, I knew I had found what I'd be painting for the next few hours. I was struck by the reflection in the water and how some of the branches barely kissed the surface below... Read more here.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Foggy Morning - A New Original 6x8 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Foggy Morning
6 x 8 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid on this painting.

One of the things I like best about fall are the foggy mornings we sometimes get. As much as I enjoy painting out doors on a nice sunny day, nothing beats being able to paint in some sort of atmospheric condition, like fog. Rain is nice if I can find a dry place to paint from and snow offers a new look at the landscape, but, let's be honest, it's cold. Besides, anything more than a dusting of snow in Texas is rare. Fog, on the other hand...Read more here

See more of my work at my web site here..

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Just Above The Falls - A New Original 12x9 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Just Above The Falls
12 x 9 inches
Oil on canvas panel
George De Chiara

 Every now and then I go out painting and notice something that I think might make a better painting than what I set out to capture, but for one reason or another I choose not to paint it. Usually, it's just me being stubborn. I set out to paint "X" so that's what I'm going to work on. Still, in the back of my mind while I'm painting I notice that my thoughts often drift back to the other scene. I find myself wondering what a painting of it might look like...Read more on my blog here.

To see more of my artwork check out my web site here. Be sure to sign up for my free email newsletter.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Weatherford Hay - A New Original 6x6 Plein Air Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Weatherford Hay
6x6 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 Occasionally over the years, I have had to drop my wife off at work out in Weatherford and always noticed this field with hay bales, which I thought would be a great subject to paint. At some point last year, I decided it was time and went out ready to paint, only to find all the hay bales had been hauled out. Time moves on though... To Read the rest of this post visit my blog here.

To see more of my art visit my web page here.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Little Falls - An original 5x7 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Little Falls
5x7 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 A few days ago, I went to one of my favorite spots to paint, which is the falls in West Worth.  We had a few inches of rain the day before I went, so I knew the falls would have plenty of water flowing over them. After picking out a place to paint from I set up my easel and got to work.  Try as I might, I just couldn't quite get the painting to the stage I wanted. Read my whole post and see step-by-step images of this painting on my blog here.

See more of my work and sign up for my free newsletter on my web site:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Coreopsis In The Morning - An original 6x6 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Coreopsis In The Morning
6x6 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

 Early in the summer, or maybe it was late in the fall (it's often hard to tell for sure here in Texas unless you look at a calendar), I came upon these wonderful yellow wild flowers growing in a local park. These came in late, after the blue bonnets and indian blankets had all played out. If I remember correctly... Read the rest of this story on my blog here.

See more of my art work and sign up for my free newsletter at my web site

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Through The Rose Garden - An original 6x8 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Through The Rose Garden
6x8 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

Hmm...I'm not sure how this happened, but it's taken me almost 4 months to post this painting. It was one of the last ones I did right before I packed up my old studio and started work on the new space. I guess I just forgot about it with everything else going on. Read the rest of this post on my blog here.

See more of my art work and sign up for my free newsletter at my web site

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Last Light - An original 8x6 plein air landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Last Light
8x6 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

A few nights ago, I went out to paint the sunset at out local park. My wife and kids came, too. While I painted at the lake, the girls played in the park. I had promised my oldest daughter, who's turning three this weekend, that she could do a painting when I was finished. Sure enough just as I was finishing up, she came by wanting to do her painting. To read the rest of this post visit my blog here.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Feels Like Rain - An original 6x8 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Feels Like Rain
6x8 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

We had rain all weekend this last week. It was much needed rain and, thankfully, there was a lot of it. Naturally though, I had made plans to go out painting well before the rain forecast became such a certainty. After waking up Saturday to a heavy downpour...Read the rest of this post on my blog here.

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Friday, September 28, 2012

Days End - An original 8x8 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Days End
8x8 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

This painting is another one that I did based off an older plein air study. I've had a great time revisiting some of these subjects this week. In the time that's passed since I first painted the study I've learned a lot about painting, color, and edges. It sometimes doesn't feel that way, since most of the time... Read my whole blog post here including progress pictures and descriptions as the painting progresses.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Shady Balcony - An original 6x6 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Shady Balcony
6x6 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

Last Sunday, I met a few friends at the Fort Worth Stockyards for a morning of painting. It had been some time since I've been able to meet up with this group of painters since I've been so busy with the studio remodel. I got there a little later than most everyone else...Read more on my blog here.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Veggie Wraps - An original 6x8 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Veggie Wraps
6x8 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

One of the great benefits of moving my studio recently is I got to rediscover all the things I stashed away for another day and forgot about, like this little plein air painting I did in the fall of 2010 of hay bales sitting out in the field. While I was never crazy about the results of the painting, I did like the subject and the general composition of the painting so... Finish reading this blog post and see progress pictures of this painting on my blog.

To see more of my visit my web site:

Monday, September 24, 2012

This Is My Good Side - An original 6x6 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

This Is My Good Side
6x6 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 Just down the road from our house, we have a wonderful little lake that plays host to more ducks, geese and water fowl than I can count. In the winter months, the whole lake is covered with birds. In the summer, the flock thins down to about 50 to 100 animals. I'm not sure what it is about this particular lake that they like so much, but my guess is... Click here to read more.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Turkish Caps - An original 6x6 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Turkish Caps
6x6 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

A few years ago, we planted a small Turkish Cap plant in our front bed along with a few other flowers. This bed is in a difficult spot that doesn't get a lot of sun during the day, so these Turkish Caps seemed like the perfect thing to plant. As luck would have it, that winter had one of the hardest freezes we've had in a while and it came on fast. It seemed like one day we had decent weather and the next night we got the very cold freeze. Needless to say... To read more about this painting and see progress pictures of this painting coming to life check out my blog here

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Beach House - An original 5x7 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Beach House
5x7 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

This is a little study for an upcoming commission I have. I like to do these little paintings to work out any potential issues I might run into with the commission painting first. In this case, I'm working on painting a beach house and sand dunes with grass. In the final painting, the house will be a smaller element, but I wanted to work it out nonetheless. 

 I took a few progress pictures as I was working... Read more on my blog here.

To see more of my visit my web site:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

On The Up Side - An original 6x6 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

On The Up Side
6x6 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 It strikes me as a little funny that the first thing I want to do once my new studio is finally up and running is go out plein air painting, but I guess that's the way it goes sometimes. Or as Ron Washington might say if he was a painter, "That's the way painting go". So I packed up my painting supplies and headed out to Weatherford, where to be totally honest, I had an errand to run anyway. Once I was done with that I took a drive along some of the rural roads scouting for something to paint. It didn't take long before I ran across this wonderful hill-side dotted with trees and bushes. I just loved the abstract pattern these made on the hill and knew I had found my subject for the day. The next order of business was securing a location to paint from since the road I was on was a 2 lane, 45 MPH twisting trail without any shoulders. Luckily, just a few yards from where I had spotted this scene I found an entry way to a drilling station. Ah ha! I've used these locations before to paint from. They work out great every time because they are good open spots with either a paved entries or good crushed gravel, and almost no one every comes by these locations. Perfect for a few hours of painting.

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Cool Breeze - An original 7x5 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Cool Breeze
7x5 inches
Oil on panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid. Opening bid just one penny!

 Whenever I start a painting, I try to not repeat myself. That is, I try to approach each painting with a fresh approach and forget any previous attempts at painting a similar subject. By doing this, or rather by trying to do this, I hope to be able to honestly respond to the subject I am painting, whether it's a still life or landscape or any other subject matter. Sometimes, when I'm very lucky, I'm actually able to achieve this and paint something entirely new to me. This is what happened today, when I really let go of all previous ways I would usually begin and just started painting. I did do the faintest of layout lines just to work out the composition, but after that I tried to make every brush stroke one that would be visible in the final painting. Laying down thick, juicy brush strokes of color, one on top of the other while building up form and texture as I went along, I let my brush strokes be more visible and added in lots of broken color. In short, I had a blast! Time whizzed by and before I knew it I had completed this little painting. I only wish I had thought to stop long enough to take a few progress pictures. I guess that will have to wait till next time.

To see more of my visit my web site:

Friday, September 14, 2012

Reflecting on Summer - An original 8x6 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Reflecting on Summer
8x6 inches
Oil on canvas panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid. Opening bid just one penny!

Right down the road from our house is a wonderful little lake and park area. Since we discovered this area, it's become one of our daughter's favorite places. The lake hosts a tremendous number of ducks, geese, and grebes all of which love to eat bread practically out of your hands, if you let them. The park has a great slide and jungle gym. Because of this, when I want to go and paint there, my family usually comes along, which is fine with me. I love having them around. My wife will take them to the park while I paint and when I'm done we all get some time to play together. Well, on this day, my 3-year-old just couldn't wait for me to finish so she came over to watch and chat. She then declared that she wanted to paint. I had gotten everything I needed to be able to complete the painting back in my studio so I packed it up and gave her a canvas to paint on. What a thrill it was to watch her plunge the brush into a pile of color and then smear it across her canvas. I hope this is something we get to a lot of in the future! Anyway, here is my result for the day.

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Botanical Garden Roses - An original 6x6 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Botanical Garden Roses
6x6 inches
Oil on canvas panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

This painting started it's life outdoors. Painting in the hot sun and wind, I tried my best to capture what I was in front of me. The problem was, what was in front of me keep changing ever few seconds as the wind blew. Still, I pressed on to finish the painting. I came home and placed the painting on my drying rack satisfied with the results of the day. That is, until I had some time to sit and really study what I had done. Check out my blog for more information and before and after photos.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I Grew Garlic - An original 6x6 still life oil painting by George De Chiara

I Grew Garlic
6x6 inches
Oil on canvas panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid. Opening bid just one penny!

A few years ago my wife and I decided to try our hand at growing garlic. Since most of our garden sits idle over the winter it seemed like the perfect thing to try. If you've never grow garlic, it's really pretty easy and there are an impressive number of varieties to try. In the fall, plant the cloves and water daily till they sprout. If you've ever left your garlic out too long in the kitchen, you already know what this looks like. Anyway, once winter sets in there's really nothing left to do with them until spring when you resume watering and fertilizing. We usually pick a few of our plants towards the end of spring or the beginning of summer to see how they are doing. Then we either pull them all or give them some more time. Usually we can pull up the whole bed just in time to plant tomatoes or some other summer crop. Then we get to enjoy a rich variety of garlic all year-long. One other great benefits is without fail harvesting the garlic crop gets us excited to start the summer growing season. 

 This painting was one of the last bulbs of garlic I picked this year. After picking it I nailed it to our fence and brought out my painting supplies to paint this picture. Then...well, I sort of forgot about it. I packed up everything in my old studio to get ready to move it into the new studio and there the painting sat packed away waiting for the new studio be ready. Finally the new studio space is ready and I was unpacking when I rediscovered it. Just in time too, since we are already making plans for our next crop!

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Trumpet Vines - An original 6x8 landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Trumpet Vines
6x8 inches
Oil on canvas panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

My new studio is finally up and running! To break it in today I decided to re-work a plein air sketch I did a few weeks ago. Check out my blog for before and after pictures.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Blowing In The Wind - An original 6x6 inch plein air landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Blowing In The Wind
6x6 inches
Oil on Canvas Panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 At the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens, they have an area that they call the Experimental Gardens. I overheard one the tour guides telling the group he was with that this is where they try new varieties of plants and flowers to see how they will do before planting them in the permanent gardens. It's also one of the only areas where everything is grown in raised beds, so it's very well-organized and manicured. Not the best environment for painting larger views of the gardens, but it does lend it's self nicely to little close-ups of the flowers like this painting. 

To see more of my work visit my website -

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Interlocken Wild Flowers - An original 8x6 plein air landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Interlocken Wild Flowers
8x6 inches
Oil on Canvas Panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

I had looked at this location for a few days before I went and did this painting, so I thought I had a pretty good idea of what I was going to paint when I headed out. I had planned on doing a close-up study of the wildflowers and not the grander view I wound up painting. I had a change of heart on my drive over when I noticed the wonderful clouds we had on this day. I'm a real sucker for a good sky and whenever I see one I want to include it in my paintings. I was also thinking about how the trees behind the flowers usually had a great pattern of light and shadow on them every time I went and looked at this scene. By the time I arrived I knew I was not going to do the painting I had intended and instead I'd do the view depicted in this painting. I found a nice little shady spot to set up in and got to work painting. 

PS - My posts have been a little sparse lately while I finish up the remodeling project on my new studio space and a few other rooms around the house. I can finally start to see some of the light at the end of that tunnel and hope to be posting at a more regular pace soon!

To see more of my work visit my website -

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Day At El Tesoro - An Original 6x8 Plein Air Landscape Oil Painting by George De Chiara

A Day At El Tesoro
6x8 inches
Oil on Canvas Panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 A few weeks ago, I went to Camp El Tesoro to paint with some friends for the day. We had a wonderful time painting along the river and enjoying the mild spring weather. The water is crystal clear at this spot in the river and I was able to watch the fish swimming as I painted. Most of the rocks that make up the falls seem to be sand stone or lime stone, which reflect some really amazing colors in the river. I had a great time trying to capture them. 

This is the first of two paintings I did this day. You can see the other painting here.

To see more of my work visit my website -

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"Heavy Cloud Cover" - An original 6x8 inch landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

Heavy Cloud Cover
6x8 inches
Oil on canvas panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 I really enjoy painting sunsets from life. They are a challenge since sunsets visibly change quickly. In fact, it's been said that they change to the eye every 16 seconds! Try this next time you watch the sunset: Look away from it every minute, wait 30 seconds and then look at it again. It's amazing how much it changes. Now image trying to paint it. Every time I looked up from my canvas, the area I was painting looked different. When I painted this, my wife and children came with me to play in the nearby park as I painted. While I was waiting for the sun to start to set, I commented to my wife that painting sunsets is a bit like waiting to run a race. I wait around until it's time to get going and then paint as fast as I can to keep up with the changing conditions.

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

"From Here To There" - An original 8x10 inch oil landscape painting by George De Chiara

From Here To There
8x10 inches
Oil on Canvas Panel
George De Chiara

Click here to bid.

 If you've ever been to Rose Garden in the Fort Worth Botanical Garden, you may have noticed the rather large grassy area that runs along the edge of the roses. That's what I've painted here. I originally set out to paint some of the roses, and, after several failed attempts at capturing some of the blooms on my canvas, I looked up and noticed this view. I was immediately drawn to the pattern of light and dark presented in front of me and quickly set up a fresh canvas and started painting. The way the sun moves across this area the shadows change quickly, so I had to paint them in fast. Once I had the pattern of light and dark established, I was able to slow down a little and finish the painting. 

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

"El Tesoro Falls" - An original 8x6 inch landscape oil painting by George De Chiara

El Tesoro Falls
8x6 inches
Oil on canvas panel
George De Chiara

Available though The Dutch Art Gallery. (214-348-7350)

This area is quickly becoming one of my favorite places to paint. Camp El Tesoro is a wonderful kid's camp that's kind enough to let us in occasionally to paint. The camp has a great river running though it that is complete with waterfall, which is what this painting depicts. The water is very clear; in fact, not only could we see the many fish in the river, we could actually see the whiskers on the catfish as they swam around. After last year's drought it was very encouraging to see so much life in the river. There had to be easily 100 fish swimming around the 40-50 foot stretch we explored looking for places to paint the falls from. Of course, we where also warned that they spotted two copperheads and a rattler in the last few days along the river and that we should "keep an eye out".  Ha! I kept them both out, just in case.

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